About Dr. Dryer

Psychologist: for individual, couples, families, organizations
Associate Professor, Adjunct: for Graduate Department of Psychology
Divorce Expert: for Consultations, Mediation, Collaborative Divorce

The process of divorcing may seem like a vast unchartered expanse. You may feel sometimes like a small dot on that landscape. So, my approach tries to keep you centered inside who you are, focused on your values, and your underlying interests. This can help you prioritize and feel in some control when you hit the inevitable bumps in the road.

Experience and Tools: a 4-field integration:
I do this work using my trainings, experiences, and various tools integrating a background from 4 specific fields: Journalism, Clinical Psychology, Divorce Mediation/ Coaching, and Organizational Psychology:

With my depth and breadth of experience over more than 30 years, I can tailor how we work together to meet your individual needs.

Each field has honed my expertise:

  • ”observational listening,” from a ‘detailed inquiry’ perspective, since my college journalism days.
  • through my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and as an Associate Adjust Professor, I learned to teach and supervise graduate students by starting where the learner was emotionally. Then we educate by adding the cognitive aspects of information.
  • I started off in Developmental Psychology, so I also have a strong background in how children develop emotionally and cognitively.
  • to coaching those who plan to separate and/or divorce.
  • finally to an organizational context where processes among people have a ‘forest’ view in addition to individual ‘trees’. I’ve worked in business and organizational settings, so understand how a separation/divorce can effect your work life.

This background helps promote a “systems” view in the context of looking at a divorcing couple as the court might, and well as to work with the complexities of working with a Team (either a co- Mediation team, with review attorneys, or a Collaborative Divorce team, where up to 7 professionals could be involved.)

Dr. Joy Dryer’s CV and Credentials